Can Your Inability to Urinate be the Basis of a DWI (VTL 1192.3) Refusal? :: New York Criminal Lawyer Blog

Believe it or not we run into this issue all the time, particularly with clients who are already charged and being monitored in the pretrial phase. They are unable to urinate when they come in to meet with their counselor at the pretrial program and end up in noncompliance and end up in dutch with prosecutors and judges prior to sentencing. It is assumed that they are being evasive because they expect to drop a dirty urine screen. This makes things very difficult for their OWI/DUI defense lawyer who must argue to the Court that they simply are unable to pee in front of others.


Can Your Inability to Urinate be the Basis of a DWI (VTL 1192.3) Refusal? :: New York Criminal Lawyer Blog

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